Every local church has a local school.

Every local school needs community partners. Back-to-school season provides the opportunity to seek and strengthen these relationships.


  1. PRAY FOR YOUR SCHOOL BOARD AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIONS to promote truth in local schools.
  2. PRAY FOR TEACHERS as they often deal with a lack of supplies and parental support and are trying to help every student excel and learn.
  3. PRAY FOR FAMILIES as they prepare their children for a year of school that will bring new exciting opportunities and difficult challenges
  4. PRAY FOR STUDENTS to grow in truth and grace and to pursue excellence in school. PRAY FOR CHRISTIAN STUDENTS to be salt and light in their schools.
  5. PRAY FOR YOUR CHURCH to find new ways to engage their families, students, teachers and administration members this school year.

Download the prayer guide in either single or two-to-a-page formats to use in your church.

God’s indwelling spirit equips believers with power, love, and self-control over a spirit of fear.  (1 Timothy)

New norms and many unknowns characterize this upcoming school year. Ask God for His power to defeat fear, love others, and practice self-control amid challenging circumstances. Pray for parents, children, and school leaders.

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him.  (Matthew 12)

Whether in the home, private, or public school, ask that the spirit of God which produces goodness, stir believers to walk in goodness among their school communities and relationships so that God may be praised.

Download a PowerPoint slide in either fullscreen or widescreen formats to use in prayer over the back to school season.

In Your Community

Schools are still managing the effects of COVID. Many students are behind grade level due to time out of the classroom. The local church can make a difference—be it through supply collection, teacher encouragement, or volunteerism. How can your church come alongside your neighboring schools?

  1. VOLUNTEER in to help set up a classroom or to help with reading and other subjects as the school year begins.
  2. HOLD A SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE through your weekly children’s ministry or Vacation Bible School.
  3. VOLUNTEER to clean up and prepare playgrounds, fields, and grounds at a local school.

Send Relief Backpack Day

This year, reaching your community with the hope of the gospel is as easy as packing a backpack! Join hundreds of churches across the nation for Send Relief’s Backpack Day on August 6, 2023. As families look towards the back-to-school season, many are struggling to afford new school supplies and basic hygiene items to help prepare their kids for a new school year.

After your church orders backpacks, you can download Send Relief’s promo kit and ministry guide to help your Send Relief Backpack Day be a success.

Order Backpacks →

Download promo kit →
Download ministry guide →

Share your impact in your community with #sbcvbacktoschool


Brad Russell

Mobilization Strategist



Mindy McCord

Mindy McCord

Administrative Coordinator