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March 31 – April 2

Monday 6PM  – Wednesday 11AM

D.C. Metro

Metro D.C. offers a unique opportunity for spreading the Gospel, and God is calling church planters to dedicate their lives to reaching the diverse communities within this city.


Whether you’re a prospective church planter or a church eager to partner, come join us to connect with current and future church planters. Together, we’ll strategize on how to bring a fresh wave of the Gospel, covering these communities with the hope of Christ.

Meals and transportation after arrival will be provided for everyone.

  • $200 per person with 2 nights lodging OR
  • $100 per person with no accommodations

Discover, strategize, connect with Gospel opportunities.

Register today

Questions? Check with our team.

Colby Carman

Church Planting Catalyst


Christie Sharp

Administrative Coordinator for Ministry Support


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