More than 750 people came out to two locations to be equipped at the 2024 Kids Ministry Conference. There were games, prizes, and training from speakers from Lifeway and across Virginia.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity in 2025 at one of three locations!
Registration will open in early January!
Lifeway Special Guests
Maggie Bertram
Maggie is currently a content editor at Lifeway Christian Resources with The Gospel Project for Kids. Previously, she served in the local church as a children’s minister. She is a graduate of Mississippi College and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She loves helping children understand who God is and who He has made them to be, and she is passionate about working with families as they equip their kids to live in light of these Biblical truths.
Delanee Williams
Delanee serves as a Lifeway Kids Specialist. She is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Delanee has served in kids ministry for over twenty-five years in churches in Texas, Tennessee, and Wyoming. Currently, she enjoys teaching preschoolers and children at her church in the Nashville area. Delanee is passionate about developing, equipping, and encouraging kids ministry leaders.
9:00 AM • Registration & Register for Door Prizes
9:15 AM • Preview of Family Night Celebration
9:30 AM • Praise & Worship
9:50 AM • Breakout Session 1
11:00 AM • Breakout Session 2
12:00 PM • Lunch & Door Prizes
12:30 PM • Breakout Session 3
1:40 PM • Breakout Session 4
2:50 PM • Breakout Session
3:50 PM • Conference Concludes
Choose from over 40 breakout session options for equipping and training in Children’s Ministry and Vacation Bible School. Descriptions of each breakout session are included below.
9:50 AM • Breakout Session 1
A Really Big Ask: How to Attract, Assimilate, and Retain Volunteers
Led by Jayne Hoare
Location: Room 202
Kids + Ministry programs = VOLUNTEER NEED. Inviting volunteers to be part of what God is doing in your ministry requires strategy, asking the right questions, and shifting culture.
Deep and Wide: Meaningful Bible Experiences for Combined Age Groups
Led by Sharon Stratmoen
Location: Room 201
Social scientists have researched what happens when children of different ages play and learn together. And guess what! There are advantages for kids of all ages! Come find out how your church will benefit from combined-age classrooms. Discover how preschool and elementary kids can effectively explore Bible truth together, and how, as their teacher, you can facilitate cooperation, community, and deep Bible discoveries.
Guiding a Child to the Savior
Led by Ray Seto
Location: Student Center
Children think in concrete terms. The words we use to share the Gospel are vital to their understanding. Learn how to know if a child understands the Gospel and is ready for salvation.
Ministering to Children in Crisis
Led by Garrett Oppel
Location: Room 207 A&C
Nearly half of the children in America are exposed to ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) that can severely harm their physical and mental health. Chances are, you have at least 1 child in your ministry who has been impacted by trauma/crisis out of their control. In this breakout, we’ll talk about how these experiences impact a child’s well-being and what you can do to best minister to these children and their families.
Navigating Change in Ministry
Led by Delanee Williams
Location: Room 207 F&H
Change is inevitable. We all experience some type of change in ministry. It might be new ministries, new volunteers, change in church programming, new staff members, or change in policies. During this conference we’ll identify observations about changes and practical tips to manage change.
Preteen Ministry 101
Led by Maggie Bertram
Location: Fellowship Hall
Change is inevitable. We all experience some type of change in ministry. It might be new ministries, new volunteers, change in church programming, new staff members, or change in policies. During this conference we’ll identify observations about changes and practical tips to manage change.
VBS Music
Led by Bethany Baldwin
Location: Worship Center
A preview of the music and motions of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, with tips on reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Directors
Led by Luke Long
Location: Room 203
Whether you are a first-time director or have served as one many times, find planning helps and resources of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, including helpful tips for planning and organizing the VBS of your choice.
VBS Preschool
Led by Ashley Long
Location: Room 205
A detailed look at preschool material for Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum to make your preschoolers’ experience engaging.
VBS en Español
Led by Ericka Zelaya
Location: Room 209
11:00 AM • Breakout Session 2
Dear God: Powerful Ways to Pay with Kids
Led by Jayne Hoare
Location: Room 201
Prayer is so much more than asking God for stuff. It’s an opportunity to talk with God, praise God, and join with others who trust and depend on God, too! Together, we’ll explore both traditional and unique prayer experiences that help children spend time with God. Along the way, we’ll rediscover how prayer helps kids and leaders grow in relationship with God and each other. You’ll walk away with fresh and fun prayers to implement in your children’s ministry. Plus, you’ll be reminded of the power of prayer in your own life and your ministry.
Family-Led Spiritual Transformation
Led by Maggie Bertram
Location: Fellowship Hall
Not only is family ministry an impactful approach to discipleship, it is also a Scriptural mandate. In this session, we will discuss five practical ways that we can equip and encourage families to have spiritual conversations.
I Got Caught Being Good
Led by Lynn Wampler
Location: Room 207 A&C
Many times, behavior management focuses on stopping the negative. In our time together we will discuss ways to highlight the desired behavior from the kids we serve. Understanding why kids often act out and how to encourage the positive behaviors we desire will be topics during this session.
Kid's Ministry Safe and Secure
Led by Jeff Lail
Location: Room 207 E&G
Outline the measures to be taken to reduce risks and to provide a secure environment for children as well as all Church members and visitors.
Making Every Minute Count with Preschoolers
Led by Delanee Williams
Location: Room 207 F&H
Have you ever needed a quick and simple game or activity while teaching preschoolers? Maybe an activity did not take as much time as originally planned. During this breakout, we’ll discover games and activities that you can use at a moment’s notice to make every minute count while teaching preschoolers.
Practical Tips and Tools for Developing a Special Needs Ministry
Led by Toy Hine
Location: Room 202
In this session we will overview special needs ministry. Topics will include the best use of space, recruiting volunteers, curriculum, and loving a community created in God’s image.
VBS Children's Bible Study
Led by Niky Brooks
Location: Room 204
A preview of days one through five Bible study rotation for Lifeway’s VBS Magnified for students in grades 1-6, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum.
VBS Decorating
Led by Bethany Baldwin
Location: Worship Center
A preview of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified decorating tips and ideas to transform your rooms or space to help engage students as they hear God’s Word and help remember the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Recreation
Led by Noah Patrick
Location: Student Center
A preview of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified recreation rotation, explaining games and transitional activities with tips to help rotation leaders reinforce the day’s Bible Truths.
VBS en Español
Led by Ericka Zelaya
Location: Room 209
12:30 PM • Breakout Session 3
3 Circles – Gospel Conversations with Kids
Led by Cathy Noell
Location: Room 207 E&G
The message of hope and love through Jesus is not just for adults! Let’s learn together how to use the 3 Circles Conversation Guide to clearly explain the gospel message to kids leading them to decide to follow Jesus as their Savior. Kids can learn to use the same method to share Jesus with their own friends and family members. We are all called to evangelism, so let’s work together and be ready for this life changing conversation with others.
From Big to Small: A Broadly Graded Kids Ministry
Led by Jake Barnett
Location: Room 204
In many small churches, breaking up your kid’s ministry into individual grades is tough, if not impossible. In this break you will talk about how to equip, encourage and engage the kids God has entrusted to you when teaching in a classroom with a broad range of grades.
Making Bible Lessons Come to Life
Led by Michael Kilbride
Location: Room 207 B&D
You only have a short time with your children. Make the time count by using dynamics in your lessons to bring them to life!
Navigating Change in Ministry
Led by Delanee Williams
Location: Room 207 F&H
Change is inevitable. We all experience some type of change in ministry. It might be new ministries, new volunteers, change in church programming, new staff members, or change in policies. During this conference we’ll identify observations about changes and practical tips to manage change.
Preteen Ministry 101
Led by Maggie Bertram
Location: Fellowship Hall
Preteen ministry can feel like a lot: lots of energy, lots of opinions, lots of emotions, and lots of fun! In this session, we’ll talk about how to best love, lead, and equip preteens as they grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually and begin taking ownership of their walk with Jesus.
Staffing and Training for Special Needs Ministry Space
Led by Toy Hine
Location: Room 202
In this session we will overview special needs ministry. Topics will include the best use of space, recruiting volunteers, curriculum, and loving a community created in God’s image.
Start with Boys to Raise Godly Men
Led by Mike Young
Location: Student Center
There’s only one way to raise godly men and that’s to start with little boys. Let’s begin to see this as a great opportunity for the church to raise up men rather than a great obstacle to orderly classroom. We’ll talk about teaching strategies and management practices to help your young boys learn according to their ‘bent’ and help you delight in teaching them about the great adventure of life with Jesus!
VBS Crafts
Led by Suzie Smith
Location: Building C
A preview of the crafts rotation of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, with connection points to assist craft leaders in reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Missions
Led by Kelly Little
Location: Room 206
A preview of the missions’ rotation of lifeway’s VBS Magnified, with helpful tips on teaching kids to pray for missionaries and participate in hands-on mission projects.
Worship Rally and Large Group Engagement
Led by Kristen McCarthy
Location: Worship Center
We were made to magnify God! As you plan for Worship Rally and events that gather families together, come learn ways to engage them and to magnify and proclaim the greatness of God.
1:40 PM • Breakout Session 4
Deepening A Child’s Faith Through Song
Led by John Blair
Location: Room 207 B&D
There is no question that when words and melody are put together, the memory of a song can stick with a child for a long time, so why not the truths of God’s Word? Even in our VBS music, are children merely making motions and singing words, or do they see the true God in what they are singing? In this breakout, we will examine how children grow in their faith through music and why worship is a MUST from an early age. We will also discuss the importance of training future worshippers and of being a multi-generational church. Then, learn practical ways that you can help children glorify God within the local church and their homes.
Family-Led Spiritual Transformation
Led by Maggie Bertram
Location: Fellowship Hall
Not only is family ministry an impactful approach to discipleship, it is also a Scriptural mandate. In this session, we will discuss five practical ways that we can equip and encourage families to have spiritual conversations.
How to Give a Clear Gospel Presentation
Led by Donnie Slade
Location: Worship Center
The gospel never changes but it must be relatable. Learn how to give a clear and concise gospel presentation that can be given anywhere at any time.
Making Every Minute Count with Preschoolers
Led by Delanee Williams
Location: Room 207 F&H
Have you ever needed a quick and simple game or activity while teaching preschoolers? Maybe an activity did not take as much time as originally planned. During this breakout, we’ll discover games and activities that you can use at a moment’s notice to make every minute count while teaching preschoolers.
Using Technology (Even A.I.) to Your Advantage in Ministry
Led by Sharon Stratmoen
Location: Room 207 A&C
Change is inevitable. We all experience some type of change in ministry. It might be new ministries, new volunteers, change in church programming, new staff members, or change in policies. During this conference we’ll identify observations about changes and practical tips to manage change.
Why Kids Ministry is So Important
Led by Danielle Whitley
Location: Room 207 E&G
Change is inevitable. We all experience some type of change in ministry. It might be new ministries, new volunteers, change in church programming, new staff members, or change in policies. During this conference we’ll identify observations about changes and practical tips to manage change.
Your Legacy Era: Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders
Led by Jayne Hoare
Location: Room 202
Take a cue from Moses, Aquilla and Priscilla, Paul, and Jesus, leaving a legacy of faithful service by investing in the generation of leaders coming up behind you.
Sneak Peek at Group VBS True North
Led by Kelly Little
Location: Room 201
A detailed preview of Group Publishing’s VBS True North, an ultimate Alaskan adventure pointing children to Jesus, their faithful friend and True North.
VBS Children
Led by Niky Brooks
Location: Room 204
A preview of days one through five Bible study rotation for Lifeway’s VBS Magnified for students in grades 1-6, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum.
VBS Crafts
Led by Suzie Smith
Location: Building C
A preview of the crafts rotation of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, with connection points to assist craft leaders in reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
2:50 PM • Breakout Session 5
Discipling Kids in the Anxious Generation
Led by Kevin Chewning
Location: Room 207 B&D
As we recognize how kids today are different, we must discover and utilize timeless biblical methods to disciple them to have lasting faith in Christ. Together, let’s chart a new map for child discipleship to reach this anxious generation.
God's Good Answers
Led by Ray Seto
Location: Student Center
Children are curious about our God and His great love for us. We will take a look at some tough questions children may ask.
How Do I Reach These Tweens?
Led by Susan Spaulding
Location: Room 207 A&C
Zoom in to discover how 5th and 6th Grader Tweens learn to MAGNIFY the Lord through Bible Study, discipleship, worship, and community! Not as a child…not as a youth…but exactly as they were created to be: inbeTWEEN!
KidMin Upgrade: Practical Ways to Reach Kids Today
Led by Sharon Stratmoen
Location: Room 201
Have you noticed? Kids today are dope…fire…and all the other new words they say! They’re inquisitive, full of energy, tech savvy, and oh so witty and fun. Perhaps you’ve also observed that tried-and-true teaching techniques don’t quite engage your class like they once did. In this workshop, we’ll help you upgrade your teaching methodology so you can deliver Bible truths that truly sync with kids’ hearts and lives. Expect practical takeaways and simple ideas that’ll help you more effectively disciple the children in your care.
Leader Care & Encouragement
Led by Julie Hunt
Location: Room 207 E&G
Rejuvenate and Refresh! Let’s look at steps to take to keep from burn out!
Theme Nights Part 2 and Service Projects Kids Can Do
Led by Niky Brooks
Location: Room 204
Kids love a fun Theme Night! Leave this breakout with a kid tested list of theme nights and service projects kids can do to use for midweek or summer programs.
Bring Them In! Count the Youth in Volunteering
Led by Kristen McCarthy
Location: Room 206
The youth in your church have much to offer as volunteers for VBS. Let’s discuss the strengths and energy of our teens and the advantages of having them help children magnify God for His greatness during VBS.
VBS Directors
Led by Luke Long
Location: Room 203
Whether you are a first-time director or have served as one many times, find planning helps and resources of Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, including helpful tips for planning and organizing the VBS of your choice.
VBS Preschool
Led by Ashley Long
Location: Room 205
A detailed look at preschool material for Lifeway’s VBS Magnified, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum to make your preschoolers’ experience engaging.