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Quickly send us your basic stats. We'll review them and add them to your Annual Church Profile for you. The only required fields are Church, Name, and Email address so we can properly verify and apply your information.

Scroll through the list, or start typing your church name to select.
Your Name(Required)
Total of both Resident and Nonresident members.
Total number of baptisms in the reporting year.
Average number attending the weekly (primary) worship service(s) in person for the weeks your congregation met during the current reporting year. If data is not kept, use best estimate.
Average number attending Bible study in person each week for the week your congregation met during the current reporting year. This may be a Sunday School class, Bible Study, Small Group, or similar group. Include all ages, from babies to adults, but not counting anyone twice. If data is not kept, use best estimate.
Number enrolled in Vacation Bible School for your congregation.
Total amount of all undesignated gifts given by individuals. Undesignated receipts are gifts which the congregation decides how the money will be spent (by its budget or other means). This includes regular budget offerings and loose monies from the offering.
Total amount of all money given to missions through Southern Baptist avenues by the congregation (previously called Great Commission giving).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Check out your information on SBC Workspace and make sure it’s correct.