Today, let’s pray for one of our missionaries who has a passion for sharing the Gospel with the Deaf community. Her name is Vesta Sauter. She and her husband, Mark, are missionaries to the Deaf. They lead our International Mission Board’s efforts to reach Deaf people around the world. It’s a big challenge. Vesta says there are nearly 70 million Deaf people around the world. They communicate mostly via sign language. Unfortunately, though, many do not own a Bible in their sign language. Our mission board is partnering with churches and other agencies to translate Bible stories into sign language. They want to translate 300 Bible stories into every sign language. Putting the Bible into story form is a really effective way for Deaf people to understand it. That’s why they will be focused on stories.
Mark and Vesta have served in Europe and Asia in their efforts to reach Deaf people. Mark’s a whiz at sign language. But Vesta’s parents were Deaf; she learned to sign before she learned to speak English. When Vesta was 8, she would read the Bible and sign the verses for her father. She saw how the gospel made him a better man when he became a believer.
Aren’t you glad our church supports missionaries like Mark and Vesta through the Cooperative Program? Let’s pray for them and their ministry to the Deaf.