A message from our ministry partner, Alliance Defending Freedom.
We are facing an important election in just a few weeks. But what role should we as believers play in that election?
In Jeremiah 29, we read about the account of those exiled from Jerusalem into Babylon. The Lord tells them to build homes, plant gardens, and give their children in marriage so they may increase. Then in verse 7, it says, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
There is no denying that our culture resembles a modern-day Babylon, and we know this world is not our home.
We are exiled here.
As we go about our daily lives, building our homes, and raising our families, we must also seek the welfare of our communities and pray to that end. His word says that our welfare will be found in the welfare of our communities.
As Americans, our system of government recognizes our right to vote. That means, as Christians, we have the opportunity to elect men and women to office who will best uphold biblical principles as they govern and defend the rights of everyone, including the right to live out one’s faith freely.
This recognition of human freedom is a relatively new concept in the course of human history.
For instance, the right to vote and religious freedom were largely foreign to the early Church. They often faced intense persecution from the government, with little ability to change their circumstances. They would likely be astounded at the privilege and ability we have today to influence our government to increase human flourishing.
We can help ensure that the government doesn’t devolve into the types of oppressive regimes that have been the rule, not the exception, throughout history.
Given the increasing hostility towards biblical values and beliefs that we see from some government officials in our country today, we must remain vigilant in stewarding what God has given us and be ready to stand up for those precious freedoms.
That’s why we are asking you to encourage the people in their congregations to:
1. Vote: It’s our right as citizens to steward the freedoms we’ve been granted. And it’s our calling as Christians to be salt and light, to speak life into a decaying culture, and to stand for Jesus.
2. Pray: Pray for wisdom as you make your choices in each election. Pray for God’s will to be done. Pray for our leaders and future leaders, regardless of whether you voted for them. Pray for the welfare of your city.
Understanding what you can and can’t say from the pulpit can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The ADF Church Alliance team created a free resource to help educate you on your rights as a pastor and a church — click here to read the resource.
If you’d like to speak with an ADF attorney directly about the church and politics or other religious freedom-related topics, the ADF Church Alliance can help. We have partnered with the ADF Church Alliance so that they can help you navigate religious liberty issues like these.
Members of the ADF Church Alliance have access to experienced attorneys at an affordable price and they will offer you an additional 20% off for being an SBCV church – use code Promo Code: SBCV20 when signing up.
If you have any questions about this resource, membership, or have a religious liberty question, our ADF Church Alliance Director is Harrison Smith and you can either email him at hsmith@ADFlegal.org or schedule a Zoom Meeting with him at your convenience.