This past Friday, I was blessed to be part of the Homegoing Service for the first full-time executive director of SBCV, Doyle Chauncey, in Gainesville, Florida. His wife Sharon is strong in her faith and hope in Christ. His son, David, is pastor of the church where the service took place. As the service drew to a close, the congregation stood and sang Doyle’s favorite hymn, “Victory in Jesus.” Since I was a youth, it has been my favorite hymn too. As believers, we praise the Lord for His victory over sin and death!
As we approach this Resurrection Sunday, I pray we join together in proclaiming to our neighbors and the nations, “Victory in Jesus!”
Pastor, may the Lord empower you to preach the Gospel boldly this Resurrection Sunday. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15:3, “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, (4) that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” Disciples of Jesus, let’s join together this Sunday and praise His name, and point people to Jesus.
As this weekend approaches, here is a favorite testimony from the mission field:
The Good Friday service in Dampara Baptist Church, Chittagong, Bangladesh, was packed. Little children sat on the floor in the aisles and across the front of the church. Rows of people stood in the back, craning their necks to see the crucifixion scene as depicted in the «Jesus Film.» Weeping and gasps of unbelief could be heard in the shocked hush as Jesus was crucified. As the Bengalis watched, they were feeling the agony of Jesus’ pain and the disappointment of the disciples. In that emotional moment, one young boy in the crowded church suddenly cried out, «Do not be afraid. He gets up again! I saw it before.» A small boy’s encouraging cry gave new hope to the viewers of the film. «He is risen!» is the cry that gives new hope to all.
The risen Lord Jesus has entrusted His Gospel to us as His ambassadors. Let’s pray for one another as we serve our Risen Lord. Keep pressing on, the Lord is with us!
Your brother in Christ,
Executive Director
SBC of Virginia