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Together for the Nations • Sub-Saharan Africa

diciembre 7, 2024

The World’s Greatest Problem is Lostness

59% of the world’s population has little to no access to the gospel. Together, we can send and sustain missionaries to make Jesus known among the nations.

From the suffering endured by refugees, the sick, and the poor to the pressing need for jobs and opportunities in the youngest region in the world, God’s work is unfolding in extraordinary ways across Sub-Saharan Africa. Join us to discover how you and your church can participate in what God is doing among the peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Saturday, December 7
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Swift Creek Baptist Church
18510 Branders Bridge Road
Colonial Heights, VA

Discover how your church can participate in what God is doing.

Register today


Brad Russell

Missions Strategist

Contact Brad

Mona Hewitt

Administrative Assistant for Ministry Support

Contact Mona

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