Today, our church will pray for our missionaries Angel and Vanesa Viveros (say vee-VER-ose) who have planted a new Spanish-speaking church in Lincoln, Neb.
Earlier, Angel was a pastor in Mexico City and his family was happy there. But when he heard of the need for more Spanish-speaking churches in the American Midwest, that mere information became a call from God.
Angel and Vanesa, with their daughter, moved some 1,700 miles and settled in Lincoln. More than 16,000 Hispanics live there. That number is expected to triple by 2050.
The Viveros planted a new church, whose name in English is Harvest Bible Church. They are partnering with Southview Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist congregation in Lincoln.
Angel has led outdoor worship services, arranged for wellness clinics, sponsored English classes, held Spanish language Bible studies in outlying locations, and sponsored all sorts of family-friendly events. He hopes to plant churches in three other locations.
Through the Cooperative Program, our church is helping support Angel and Vanesa while they serve there in Nebraska. Let’s ask God to bless their ministry. Let’s ask that their church will live up to its name and see a large harvest of new Jesus followers.