Each year, we ask SBCV churches to share basic information about what God has done in your congregation over the past year. The data you send through the Annual Church Profile (ACP) provides a record of how God is working in your church, and it is combined with the information from over 850 other SBCV churches to paint a picture of what God is doing throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The data on items such as attendance, baptisms, discipleship, and giving to missions is used to encourage others.

In Acts 2:41, it’s recorded that 3,000 were baptized and added to the church. In Acts 4:4, it’s recorded that 5,000 men heard and believed the Gospel. God preserved these stories and statistics in His Word, and the church has been encouraged by them for two millennia.

Already have your church data?

Fill out the ACP online in less than 5 minutes!
Continue to SBC Workspace

Why fill out the Profile?

So we can serve you

When we know our churches, we can better plan events, prepare resources, allocate ministry funds, and evaluate needs.

So you can participate

Per the SBC bylaws, the SBC Credentials Committee uses your reported Undesignated Receipts each year to determine your church’s messenger eligibility. Your participation in annually reporting this data is vital for participation in SBCV and SBC life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Annual Church Profile?

The Annual Church Profile is compiled by Lifeway Christian Resources, the publishing and data entity of the Souther Baptist Convention. It contains two parts: The Statistical Profile and the Leadership Profile.

Statistical Profile

This survey is open for a particular period each year. Usually, the requested data includes your total membership, average attendance for weekly worship services and Sunday school or small groups, a breakdown of baptisms by age, relevant financial data, and various statistics regarding other ministries in which your church may be involved.

Leadership Profile

This survey is an open-ended survey for collecting contact information for your church’s leadership. It keeps a record of who holds what role at your church, when they started in the ministry, and when they left. This helps the SBCV and other SBC entities communicate important and relevant information directly to the appropriate points of contact at your church.

What is the reporting period?

Lifeway opens the Statistical Profile at the end of June each year. This allows for a variety of reporting periods. The important thing is that a church remains consistent in how they report the data. The most common options are:

  • Calendar Year – January 1 through December 31 of prior year
  • Sunday School Year – October 1 of prior year through September 30 of current year
How do I complete the ACP?

The best way to complete the survey is to fill in the data online in SBC Workspace. In addition to completing the current survey, you will have access to your church’s historical data. This can be a valuable tool to see your church’s trends. We understand that you are busy, so we have a variety of ways to complete the survey.

SBC Workspace

Every year, we mail out a letter to our churches containing your SBC Workspace credentials. This is followed up with an email containing this information sent to the senior pastor and the church office email address, if we have that on file. You can always request this information by emailing acp@sbcv.org. For step-by-step instructions on how to use SBC Workspace to complete your ACP, please click here.

Paper form

If you are unable to complete your ACP through SBC Workspace, you can fill out and print the SBCV Annual Church Profile form and either email, mail, or fax it to the SBCV office:

  • Email: acp@sbcv.org
  • Address: 4956 Dominion Blvd Glen Allen, VA 23060
  • Fax: (804) 665-1411
How does this help my church?

By reporting these basic statistics for your church, you help the SBCV better understand your ministry. We develop resources and foster church networks based on the information you provide. Whether your congregation has grown or declined over the past year, we have resources to help you equip your members to plant new churches, fund a new building, and help you more effectively reach your community with the Gospel.

Your reporting has an impact beyond the Commonwealth as well. Lifeway compiles the data from all reporting churches and presents the information to the different SBC entities, such as the North American Mission Board (NAMB), International Mission Board (IMB), and the various Southern Baptist seminaries. They use this information to better train the next generation of missionaries and pastors.

How can I see my church's data?

Churches can update and retrieve their church information (including staffing and ACP history) by going to SBC Workspace. Below are some guides for completing common tasks:

What does this question mean?

Some of the questions asked on the Statistical Profile can mean different things to different people. These are the definitions for each statistic as defined by Lifeway:

  1. TOTAL MEMBERS – Total membership of your church.
  2. TOTAL BAPTISMS – Total number of baptisms during the current reporting year (sum of A-D) at your church.
    • A. Baptisms 11 & under
    • B. Baptisms 12-17
    • C. Baptisms 18-29
    • D. Baptisms 30 & up
  3. OTHER ADDITIONS – Total new members of your church during the current reporting year that joined by letter or statement.
  4. IN-PERSON WEEKLY WORSHIP AVERAGE ATTENDANCE – Average number attending the weekly (primary) worship service(s) in-person for the weeks your church met during the current reporting year. If attendance is not recorded, use your best estimate.
  5. ONLINE WEEKLY WORSHIP AVERAGE PARTICIPATION – Average number participating in the weekly (primary) worship service(s) online during the current reporting year. See lifewayresearch.com/online_participation for guidance on counting.
  6. IN-PERSON SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE STUDY/SMALL GROUP AVERAGE ATTENDANCE – Average number attending Sunday School / Bible Study / Small Group in-person each week for the weeks your church met during the current reporting year. Include all ages from babies to adults (do not count anyone twice). If attendance is not recorded, use your best estimate.
  7. VBS ENROLLMENT – Total number enrolled in Vacation Bible School at your church.
  8. UNDESIGNATED RECEIPTS – Total amount of all undesignated financial gifts received at your church.
  9. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM GIVING – Total amount your church gave to the Cooperative Program during the current reporting year.
  10. ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING – Total amount your church gave to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American missions during the current reporting year.
  11. LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING – Total amount your church gave to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions during the current reporting year.
  12. TOTAL SBC MISSION EXPENDITURES – Total amount your church gave through Southern Baptist Convention programs and offerings. This total should be equal to or greater than the sum of questions 9-11. (The Vision Virginia Offering is included as part of the Total SBC Mission Expenditures
Where can I find my church's login information?

Every year, we send out a letter to the mailing address on file for the church. It explains the changes for the current survey, and includes your SBC ID, username, and password. In most cases, the login information stays the same year to year. Your church’s regional strategist also has access to a copy of the current year’s letter. If this letter is better directed to another address or individual at your church, please let your strategist know.