Highlight Video
Annual Homecoming 2022 Highlight Video
Many SBCV church leaders shared that they were encouraged through the Lord during the SBCV Annual Homecoming. Watch the highlight video that reminds us of all that took place.
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State of International Missions Webinar with Paul Chitwood
Dr. Paul Chitwood shares the latest from the International Missions Board in this October 25, 2022 webinar with Brandon Pickett.
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Buchanan County Flood Relief Update (July 20, 2022)
Pastor Brandon Estep at Garden Baptist Church in Oakwood and SBCV's Southwest Strategist Travis Ingle updates SBCV's Strategic Initiatives Director Brandon Pickett on how God is at work in Buchanan County after the severe flood from one week ago.
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Buchanan County Flood Relief
Help families recover from severe flash flooding in Buchanan County.
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Pro-Life Movement Webinar Replay
Roe v Wade always seems to be in the news but never more than this past week. What does it mean for the pro-life movement, and specifically churches, if the Supreme Court strikes down this 50-year-old precedent and sends the issue of abortion back to the states? What can we do? How should we pray? We dive into the latest issues and cases with two experts: Chelsea Sobolik, Director of Public Policy for The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and Victoria Cobb, President of the Family Foundation of Virginia.
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Big News for Virginia with Kevin Ezell Replay
Kevin Ezell shares a devotion as well as exciting developments that directly impact Virginia churches and church plants.
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Sunday Night Session at Annual Homecoming 2020
Watch the Sunday night session of Annual Homecoming 2020, which was held at The Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights, Va.
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Monday Morning Session at Annual Homecoming 2020
Watch the Monday morning session of Annual Homecoming 2020, which was held at The Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights, Va.
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Monday Afternoon Session at Annual Homecoming 2020
Watch the Monday afternoon session of Annual Homecoming 2020, which was held at The Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights, Va.
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