Today in our prayer time, we’re going to focus on Uganda, a country in central Africa located on the left side of Kenya. Allie White is the missionary we’re praying for today. Our church supports her through our Cooperative Program giving.
Allie serves in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city area that’s one of Africa’s largest and fastest-growing, with nearly seven million residents. One day Allie and her local ministry partner, Victoria, were riding on a boda-boda — a motorcycle taxi — in a slum area. Allie asked Victoria about an alley she saw. At first, Victoria refused to stop — it was not a “respectable” place, she said. That’s because the alley had many places where women work as prostitutes.
Over time, Allie and her Ugandan Christian partners visited and shared the Gospel along that alley. Six women came to the first Bible study. Sixty came the next week and many became Christians. A woman we’ll call Sarah was one of the first who accepted Christ as her Savior. Once a Christian, she knew she had to find another way to live. The local church helped Sarah with rent and taught her how to make soap. Now she has a better life for herself and her children as she grows in her new faith.
Aren’t you happy that our church is helping support our missionary, Allie White, as she takes the light of Jesus into truly dark places? Let’s pray for her now.