Featured Resources
Free Evangelism Tools
The hope of the gospel is the thread that weaves through every ministry you undertake. Because every story, ultimately, points to the story of Jesus.
Who’s Your One? Devotional Guide for Students
A 30-day devotional for students challenging them to reach out to others and share the Gospel.
Download PDF
3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide
Life change. It all begins with a conversation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. But sharing it with someone can be as simple as three circles. Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone using the Life Conversation Guide, a companion resource to the new Life On Mission book.
Who’s Your One
Using an easy-to-implement guide and sermon prep tools from top-evangelical preachers, prioritize personal ownership of the Great Commission among the members of your church by challenging and encouraging them to pray for and reach out to one person who needs to hear the Gospel.
New! Download new resources with practical ideas on how you can identify your one and engage them in gospel conversations.
The Story
Share God’s story with everyone, everywhere through a short video.
• Watch the story video in multiple languages.
• The Story Training
• The Story Apps
• One Conversation