In our prayer time today let’s focus on South Asia and two of our missionaries serving there we’ll call Campbell and Elizabeth.
Our church supports them through the Cooperative Program.
Campbell and Elizabeth serve on a small team but the challenge they face is to share the gospel and plant churches among millions of lost people across hundreds of square miles. Many people groups here have never heard the gospel and have nobody assigned to tell them.
Consider this: there are four million lost people for each Southern Baptist missionary in the region!
Campbell and Elizabeth are working with the few believers in their area, training them to be missionaries to their own people — to share the gospel and plant new churches.
One local couple they trained prayed for a sick man in a village — and they shared the plan of salvation with him. Later, the man died. The Christian couple thought the people might be angry. But no — all 23 family members had decided to follow Jesus — they, too, wanted to go to Heaven!
Campbell and Elizabeth know this incident is just one gospel spark. It must be multiplied by the thousands.
That’s their prayer. Let’s make it ours.