COVID-19 Neighborhood Contact Card
Bless Every Home is a resource that helps you know and care for your neighbors. We’ve created a customizable contact card to help you reach out to those nearby. Simply download the card, input your family’s contact information, print on your home printer, and pass out to your community.
Download COVID-19 Contact Card
Outreach During COVID-19 by David Wheeler
In the midst of COVID-19 and our current situation, we want to provide you with some ideas for Servant Evangelism. These are not the only things you can do but are good starting points and ideas. We can still serve people during this time and show them the love of Christ!
How to Be a Good Neighbor
We all want good neighbors, but it’s hard to know how to be the kind of neighbor our neighbors want. What makes a good neighbor? How can we become better ones?
25 Simple Ways to Be Missional in Your Neighborhood
It is often helpful to have practical ideas to start engaging the people around us. Most of the things on this list are normal, everyday things that many people are already doing. The hope is that we would do these things with Gospel intentionality.
Practical Applications of Servant Evangelism
This is a resource that lists multiple applications to do servant evangelism right in your community. Taken from Conspiracy of Kindness by Steven Sjogren and featured in Servant Evangelism Manual.