A few blocks from downtown Roanoke sits a beautiful historic church building—empty and recently for sale. No more worshippers are mingling around. No more sacred music is heard on the street. No more baptismal waters are being stirred. The church had “gone out of business.” Its property was purchased by a developer in 2022. Church plant Redemption Church of Roanoke is now redeeming that building as they move in for worship in the Fall of 2024.
Church planter Carter Mundy moved his family and church plant launch team to Roanoke to start Redemption Church in Spring 2021. Pastor Mundy was especially interested in reaching the Star City because it is his hometown. While nearing the end of his seminary education, his family was part of a church plant launch team in North Carolina. A few years later, Mercy Hill Church sent Pastor Mundy and a team of 21 adults from Greensboro to the Valley, planting Redemption Church to lead a restless culture to a redeeming savior—through maturing and mobilizing Christ followers.
The core group began with small group meetings and, with growth in attendance, has had different locations for worship including, providentially, a building space near the empty church. The church plant reached out to the developer who owned the empty church, hoping to reach an agreement. This took months to complete. In the meantime, Redemption Church continued to accomplish its mission by reaching newcomers to Roanoke, encouraging growth in following Jesus, and mobilizing them in the mission field of the Roanoke Valley and beyond. In fact, in their four-year history, they have partnered with four church plants and are planning to “parent” a church plant themselves in the future. Now, they’re moving into a permanent home with needs for rent, renovations, furnishings, and utilities.
Pastor Mundy said, “We just signed a five-year lease to move into a permanent location in September 2024 in the historic church building right outside downtown Roanoke. But it will put a greater financial burden on us than our monthly giving has caught up with. We have launched our first giving campaign with our church. But we’d also like to find other partners to help us move forward in the mission and keep the momentum going.” You can learn more about their Whatever It Takes capital campaign at RedemptionRoanoke.com/give.
Pastor Mundy said, “We really believe that once we move into this new location, we could double our growth and impact in Roanoke by the end of next year. We just need a little extra help to get there! I’m super grateful for what God has done already. Our church is trusting him to do more, and the generosity of God’s people is usually how He does it!”
Pastor Mundy went on to say, “SBCV has been a great partner. We realize that it takes more than one church to reach our community. The resources and relationships through our SBCV family have proven invaluable.”
Our coalition of churches in the SBCV is grateful to be part of Redemption Church, which maintains a Gospel lighthouse in Roanoke by redeeming a closed church building.