We’ve all been there. Walking across the room with a cup filled to the brim, trying not to spill it. Walking ever so gingerly so as not to slosh the water over the edge, trying to keep it contained. And yet it seems the slower you walk, the more the water sloshes. It is nearly impossible to not spill any.
Isaiah 40 tells us that God holds all the water of the earth in the hollow of His hand…and He never spills it! The hollow of God’s hand, the inside part of His palm, is so great He is able to hold all the rivers, all the seas, all the oceans, all the creeks and tributaries. By specifying the hollow of His hand, it indicates that the water doesn’t go out to the fingers and slip through the spaces in between them. He holds the water in the hollow of His hand and none of it sloshes out. His mighty hand completely contains it.
This verse, and others, shows us that our God is a big and mighty God. He is far bigger and greater than anything in our world. Isaiah 40:12 continues and tells us that God measures the heavens with a span of His hand. The vastness of the sky is nothing compared to God. In Proverbs 30:4, Agur asks, “Who has gathered the wind in his fists?”
Not only can God grab the wind, but His fist is also large enough to contain it. Think about that the next time the wind is blowing fiercely.
There’s more to consider, though, than just the size of God. Scripture has much to say about God’s right hand. His right hand is full of righteousness (Psalm 48:10). There is saving strength in His right hand (Psalm 20:6). God promises to help us and uphold us with His righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 63:8). Anytime we read of the right hand of God, it is speaking of His strength and ability. Now combine those truths with the vast size of God’s hand.
If His hand is large enough to hold the wind, why would we think His hand isn’t able to uphold us? The span of His hand measures the heavens—missing no part of it—surely then His hand is able to strengthen us. If the hollow of God’s hand is large enough to hold all the water—with none spilling out—then how could we doubt His right hand is strong enough to save us?
Our God is a mighty God. These Scriptures give us great truth to hold on to. When the wind of our storms is blowing fiercely, we can trust the hand able to contain it. God can hold the floods that threaten and thus we have nothing to fear.
Trust God. Trust His mighty right hand to save and strengthen and help you.