We may need tech help as we introduce two of our missionaries serving in Japan: Justin and Michaela Knippers.
They are using virtual reality chatting to connect with Japanese people online. Virtual reality means they adopt a character, perhaps even a cartoon character — they move and talk through that character to Japanese people who are other characters.
Michaela was one of them. She was lonely and depressed. She would sit for hours in front of her computer screen and drink. But then along came Justin Knippers who spent time slowly sharing the gospel with Michaela online. Eventually she worked up the courage to attend a church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and later accepted Christ as her Savior.
To complete the story, she and Justin later fell in love and were married. Now they’re using their tech skills to help the Japanese escape from the same lonely pretend world where Michaela once lived.
Our church is supporting Justin and Michaela in their challenging ministry through the Cooperative Program. Let’s pray for them!