3 million
Less than 1%
4th highest
The nation of Lithuania has fewer than 1% evangelical Christians and has one of the highest suicide rates on the globe, at 38.6 deaths per 100,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. Millennials in Lithuania have abandoned the state religion and become agnostic. They are raising their children without any knowledge of God, not even enough to be agnostic. Lithuania is a nation that needs the hope that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The IMB has only one couple in the whole country as missionaries. They greatly need our help.
The SBC of Virginia is planting a new church in Panevėžys, Lithuania, a city of almost 100,000 people and with no evangelical presence. You and your church can be a vital part of spreading the Gospel throughout Lithuania.
How to Get Involved
- Pray for the SBC of Virginia mission to Lithuania.
- Pray that SBC of Virginia missionaries will effectively engage the people of Panevėžys with the Gospel.
- Pray that the SBC of Virginia missionaries will encounter a person of peace as they enter the city.
- Pray for inmates at the Panevėžys Women’s Prison who are incarcerated with their children.
- Pray that the SBC of Virginia missionaries will meet followers of Jesus in Panevėžys with whom to fellowship and co-labor.
- Pray that the SBC of Virginia missionaries will meet non-believers who are open to hearing and responding to the Gospel.
- Pray that God will call a pastor for the Panevėžys church.
- Give through the SBC of Virginia to help purchase worship and other equipment for the new church.
- Give to the SBC of Virginia to help send members of churches participating in the Lithuania partnership on short term mission trips.
- Give to the SBC of Virginia to help purchase equipment and supplies in Lithuania for use on mission trips.
- Give to the SBC of Virginia to help purchase and build a playground in the city center as a demonstration of the SBC of Virginia’s long term commitment to the people of Panevėžys.
Contact Eddie Urbine, eurbine@sbcv.org for details regarding giving.
- Explore the Lithuania mission by sending 1-2 members with an existing mission team to see first-hand how the mission teams operate.
- When God calls the church, become a member of the Lithuania partnership and send 1-2 short term mission teams to Lithuania each year.
- Coordinate the work of mission teams with the on-going work of the other SBC of Virginia churches.
- Send your pastor to Panevėžys for up to 12 months to oversee the SBC of Virginia church plant effort.
- Volunteer to care for the children of church members while they are on mission in Lithuania.
- Volunteer to care for mission team members’ pets, lawns, etc. while they are away on mission.
- Send small handmade or special gifts with your mission team to give to the people of Panevėžys.