It’s hot. After sitting for about two hours in a sunny parking lot yesterday, my car thermometer read 118 degrees! And the humidity—don’t get me started. It is definitely the time of year to stay hydrated.
I think we’re much more aware of hydration than we used to be; I know the trend right now is to carry the largest possible mug in the most fashionable colors, having added drops of liquid that will boost our hydration. It’s a whole thing, and while kind-of adorable, it’s also quite the metaphor.
While staying hydrated is on trend, the need for water isn’t new. In Scripture, we see that the establishment of wells and fountains was crucial to the survival and growth of cities. Wells were often gathering places where members of communities met to discuss the events of the day and to find relief from the heat.
It was at a well when Jesus first identified Himself as the Messiah and offered living water to a woman in sin. Jesus could have chosen any scenario to reveal Himself to humanity. But He chose the one example that all of us need to survive: water.
It’s said that humans can survive about three weeks without food, but they can only last three days without water. Water is essential. Jesus didn’t just equate Himself with water, Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well[f] of water springing up in him for eternal life.” John 4:13-14 CSB
Can you imagine hearing this in the middle of the desert heat? These words of promise being spoken to you by a man who, culturally speaking, had every right to have nothing to do with you. In addition, He seemed to know all of your secrets and shame, but still cared enough to offer you this life-giving water? Jesus had her full attention.
On these hot August days, in these uncertain times, and during our successes, our failures, and all of the in-between, He still offers that water to us. The one element that we simply cannot live without, and the only one that offers an eternity in the presence of God.
Accept this Living Water, and drink from the Well that never runs out.