Remember that old song about “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world”? Of course, that’s true. And it’s true in Southeast Asia, where we want to pray for Rachel and Anna, two of the missionaries our church supports through the Cooperative Program.
Both Rachel and Anna are missionaries. But Rachel is also a nurse practitioner. Anna is also a public health specialist. For seven years, they have teamed up to minister to girls in rural primary schools. In this area, girls usually must quit school about the sixth grade — age 12 — because their poor families need them to work and bring in money.
Rachel and Anna teach girls about health and hygiene. But they also help the girls understand that God loves them and sent Jesus for them. Their program has grown to include many national believers who follow Christ. Now the team works with about 1,800 kids and their families each year.
People who live where Rachel and Anna serve have many needs, physical and otherwise. But their greatest problem — one with eternal consequences — is lostness. That’s a problem only Jesus can solve. Let’s pray for Rachel and Anna — and for their team. Let’s pray thousands of children will come to have the abundant lives only Jesus can provide.