Today in our prayer time, we will pray for two of our missionaries whom we’ll call Sam and Lydia. They serve in a Muslim area of Central Asia, so we will not give their real names or their current location. Sam and Lydia have served in this region for the past 11 years. They have focused on reaching the Deaf for Christ and planting new churches among them. They have also been translating the Bible into the local sign language. They have distributed countless videos of Bible stories presented in sign language.
Sam and Lydia prepared for their awesome ministry by attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. That’s the seminary in North Carolina that our church helps support through the Cooperative Program. Like Sam and Lydia, more than 20,000 students attend our seminaries.
See how that works? Years ago, our Cooperative Program helped Sam and Lydia attend seminary for reduced cost. Now they’re putting their training to good use in Asia. Our investment has paid off — in saved lives, baptisms and new churches. Let’s pray for Sam and Lydia. And let’s pray for the students attending Southeastern this year. Ten or 10 years from now, imagine what they will be doing for God’s Kingdom.