You are teaching us simple truths we forgot along the way.
Authentic methods we abandoned long ago.
You have the answer.
Pure love.
Abundant joy.
You seek peace.
Practice kindness and goodness.
You are faithful to one another.
Well…you come by that struggle earnestly, don’t you?
You are beautiful daughters, image-bearers of the Father, each of you!
I want you to know one thing:
We are committed to you!
Committed to owning our past mistakes.
We haven’t always gotten it right. There were times we subconsciously taught you sinful tendencies that were passed down to us. For that, we are sorry.
Committed to your present.
Laying down our pride.
Giving up the need to be right for the sake of our own selfish satisfaction, especially around you.
Ask us hard questions. We may not know the answers, but we’re committed to growing and learning with you.
Committed to your future.
We are committed to breaking this generational curse. Our blood, sweat, and tears will fall on good ground as we sow love, righteousness, unity, and justice, that one day you will inherit a plentiful harvest for you and your families.
A more united Church whose love for one another through Christ will overflow and replete the dry and barren places in a world where we’ve time and time again contributed to its disparity.
This isn’t your resting place, but we will strive to make it a better place.
We will teach you to fish, instill in you biblical principles.
Our generation’s tale is a cautionary one.
Heed the warning.
God’s way is better, and He commands us to love and serve one another.
Remember, we’re better together.
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35 (CSB)