Today in our prayer time, let’s focus our prayers on the middle of the country to Missouri. Let’s pray for our missionaries, Craig and Maggie Coppenbarger, who have planted a new church in Knob Noster. The new church is called Valor Church and they meet in a rented building downtown. Knob Noster is located southwest of Kansas City, a half-hour drive south of I-70.
About 11,000 people work at Whiteman Air Force Base, just south of town. That means many people around town are young and probably will be here only a few years. Craig and Maggie say their new church continually draws people who never attended church before — nor heard the gospel before. That’s why the church maintains a coffee shop, (called Coffee Ksnobs!) as a bridge to reach people uncomfortable with a church service.
Both Craig and Maggie have military backgrounds, so they are able to relate well to the many military families. Though many people will be here just a short time, our missionaries hope to engage lost people, reach them for Christ and send out discipled believers to other parts of the world. The church is also helping train future church planters for ministry, multiplying the congregation’s impact. Our church is helping support Craig and Melissa and their new church there in Missouri through our Cooperative Program giving. Let’s ask God to bless their ministry.