Let’s pray today for Daniel and Grace Kim, two of our missionaries who serve in Zambia, a country in south central Africa. Daniel and Grace were born in South Korea, but spent many years in the United States before they were called to become Southern Baptist missionaries in 2000. That means our church helps support their ministry as we give through the Cooperative Program.
South Korea and Zambia seem quite different, but Daniel and Grace noticed that people from the two countries are alike in some ways. For example, rather than just asking how someone is, Koreans will ask if they slept well or woke up well. Zambians have a similar tradition. Daniel and Grace focus their ministry on the 63 churches that make up Copperbelt Baptist Association — making them stronger and improving their understanding of the Bible.
To multiply their impact, Daniel and Grace have also called in volunteers from South Korea, who were financed by their home churches and the Korean Foreign Mission Board to work for a year. The volunteers also worked with students at Copperbelt University. Daniel and Grace continually emphasize solid Bible teaching and doctrine, because false doctrine is common in Zambian churches.
Let’s pray for Daniel and Grace as they work to strengthen the churches for ministry and outreach.