For our missions prayer time today, let’s pray for two of our missionaries, whom we’ll call Jason and Allison. They left their home in Alabama and moved to North Africa. This is a heavily Muslim region, of course, so we won’t give any more specific locations. Jason works for a company there, but their real “work” is sharing Jesus with everyone possible. They invite people into their homes for meals, walk in parks or just meet for coffee. All the time, they point people to Jesus. Jason and Allison also give them an internet site where local people can study the Bible in their own language.
Jason told Amir, a young man, about Jesus and then through the Bible’s teaching. One day at a coffee shop by the sea, Amir said, “See, there is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” Like the Ethiopians in Acts 8, Amir became a follower of Christ. Amir began sharing his new faith with many people, despite the problems that caused. Once he needed expensive dental care he could not pay for. The home church of Jason and Allison in Alabama did not know this need but provided a love gift that covered the work. Amir could continue to talk for God.
Our church gives through the Cooperative Program so missionaries like Jason and Allison can serve. Let’s pray for our missionaries now.