Moldova is a small country in Eastern Europe, tucked between Ukraine and Romania. It’s a nice country in many ways. But it’s not the kind of place most Americans would consider moving to when they retire.
Yet, that’s what David and Shannon Brown did — soon after David retired from his work with a large insurance agency in Birmingham, Ala. Instead of retiring to a golf course or rocking chair, they became our missionaries — and that’s why we’re praying for them today.
These days they’re constantly busy with missions and ministry projects across Moldova.
Their home church, Meadow Brook Baptist in Birmingham, established partnership ministries in Moldova years ago. The Browns led five volunteer teams there. Those trips convinced the Browns to pursue a longer time of service. They’ll serve nearly two years.
David and Shannon are helping reach lost people in the capital city and other places. One area has seven villages and about 10,000 people, but no known Christians. They’re also helping with Southern Baptist aid we send to meet physical and medical needs.
Our church is supporting the Browns through our Cooperative Program giving. Let’s pray for them now.