Midlothian Breakouts • March 2, 2024
Children's Ministry Breakouts
A Kid’s Faith Journey
Breakout Speaker: Jayne Hoare
Room: 207 A&C
How do we guide kids in their faith journey? Come and learn about clear gospel presentations to partner with parents through a baptism class.
Ask Away: Frequently Asked Questions about Special Needs Ministry!
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room: 207 B&D
In this session we will work to answer your questions about special needs ministry topics including space, volunteers, salvation, planning and many more.
Be a Learner of Learners
Breakout Speaker: Jeremy Carroll
Room: Fellowship Hall
We have the most important message to share! As kids ministry leaders, the weight is on our shoulders to ensure that our approach to teaching matches where children are in growth and development. Let’s talk about some common characteristics of children across various ages, how they learn, and how we can adapt our teaching methods to best communicate with the children we serve.
Beyond Curriculum: Intentional Groups for Kids
Breakout Speaker: Jayne Hoare
Room: 207 A&C
Let’s focus on ways to be a mission-minded ministry and let mission and not curriculum guide the discipleship of kids.
Bible Memory that Goes from the Head to the Heart
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 201
Help kids hide God’s Word in their hearts – for more than a few minutes. Discover how repetition, movement and visual connections can help kids remember Bible verses and understand why those ancient words matter in everyday life.
Casting a Vision for Children’s Ministry to the Whole Church
Breakout Speaker: David Pinkham
Room: Student Center
Children’s Ministry is far more than babysitting. You know that and your workers know that, but maybe not everyone in the church sees it that way. Leaders will learn how to spread the vision of the discipleship of children so that the entire church body is on your side.
Disciplined Discipleship
Breakout Speaker: Tim Pollard
Room: 207 F&H
In this conference we will explore some classroom management techniques that will benefit the one discipling and the discipled and make your space a rich learning environment.
Discipleship in a Small Group
Breakout Speaker: Kevin Chewning
Room: 207 A&C
Our culture is constantly fighting for the attention of our children and youth. Discipleship is essential in forming their faith. Let’s discuss and learn about the key components of healthy discipleship.
En Español: 5 Pasos para un Discipulado Relacional en el Ministerio de Niños
Breakout Speaker: Paola Serrano
Room: 209
En esta sección estudiaremos que los niños son parte de la gran comisión y siendo discípulos buscaremos formar una relación que trascienda a solo un programa más de la iglesia.
En Español: Ejercitando la Comunicación Creativa
Breakout Speaker: Sarai Serrano
Room: 209
En esta sección explicaremos sobre los diferentes elementos que podemos usar para comunicar creativa y eficazmente la palabra de Dios a los niños.
En Español: El Maestro como Discípulo de Cristo
Breakout Speaker: Ericka Nunez
Room: 209
En esta sección estudiaremos la importancia de ser un verdadero discípulo de Cristo antes de ser un maestro de niños.
Establishing a Foundation of Worship for the Next Generation
Breakout Speaker: Angela Spade
Room: 202
Worship and obedience are foundational in building our relationship and walk with the Lord. Tragically, many young adults are leaving the church, but what if they were taught what it means to worship the Lord in spirit and truth at a very young age? What if worship was no longer what they see on a stage, but became a way of life as they grasp the biblical perspective that we are ALL made to worship? Let’s dive into what the Scriptures say about worship and learn fun ways to engage and teach students from one generation to another.
Equipping Parents for Discipleship
Breakout Speaker: Aaron Gaston
Room: 207 E&G
Parenting is designed for discipleship, both for the child and the parent. Having a strategy to equip your parents is one of most important purposes for any next generation ministry. In this breakout we will discuss practical and foundational strategies to help parents answer God’s call of being disciple-makers in and through their home.
Final Authority Evangelism
Breakout Speaker: Ray Seto
Room: 202
Why do we need to evangelize children, especially our children in the local church?
Gen Alpha – Ready or Not, Here They Come!
Breakout Speaker: Jeremy Carroll
Room: Fellowship Hall
The kids we are serving may have some similarities to previous generations, but they also have some key uniquenesses. Let’s dig into some of the unique qualities of Gen Alpha kids and consider how to best minister to them.
Involving Teens in Kids Ministry
Breakout Speaker: Kristen Patrick
Room: 204
Through VBS, teens not only have the opportunity to lead in their own peer groups but also have the chance to be a mentor to the younger generation. Let’s talk about how we can build a community of teens to have a heart for discipleship.
Keeping Preteens Engaged All the Live Long Day
Breakout Speaker: Tim Pollard
Room: 207 F&H
It is easy for preteens to ‘check out’ during Bible study. We will explore teaching tips that will help keep preteens engaged through the entire time you are teaching them.
KidMin Guide to Theme Nights
Breakout Speaker: Niky Brooks
Room: 204
Kids love a fun theme night! Leave this breakout with a blueprint on how to plan an escape room and a list of theme nights with Biblical application and activities that will excite kids to come to evening or midweek classes.
Kids Ministry Safe and Secure
Breakout Speaker: Jeff Lail
Room: 207 E&G
Outline the measures to be taken to reduce risks and to provide a secure environment for children as well as all Church members and visitors.
Leading Children to a Love of Prayer
Breakout Speaker: Tawana Lynch
Room: 202
Prayer is our personal love letter to the Father. It’s a compass that navigates our individual relationship with God. Like any journey, we must rely on essential resources for direction and sustainability. Join me, as I equip you with all the gear you need to lead your children to a love of prayer. Let’s pray!
Leading Preschoolers to Dig Deep
Breakout Speaker: Tim Pollard
Room: 207 F&H
Leading preschoolers is a valuable and rewarding experience. Come learn some techniques to help build solid biblical foundations for preschoolers.
Let’s Talk Ministry Space: Unwrapping the Staffing and Training for Your Special Needs Community
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room 207 B&D
In this session we will discuss training volunteers for special needs ministry, we will talk about specific behaviors and share practical ideas to help your team handle these behaviors (meltdowns, transitions, reactive behaviors, etc.).
New to Children’s Ministry? How to Make a Splash Without Sinking
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 201
Welcome to the wonderful world of ministry. You’ve moved from getting your feet wet in ministry to jumping in wholeheartedly. Cannonball! Come discover a strategic plan to anchor you and your ministry team in success. You’ll take away practical tips from children’s ministry leaders helping you manage your ministry, balance your life and helping you navigate the waters on the horizon.
Outdoor Adventure with a Purpose
Breakout Speaker: Jonathan Falwell, Jr.
Room: 207 E&G
Thomas Road Outpost exists to capture the hearts of individuals with the love of Christ through biblical teaching, outdoor adventure, and exploration of God’s creation. At TRO, we are mindful to ensure that each experience is not simply fun, but an adventure that can teach Campers about themselves, their purpose and their God.
Preteens – Who Are They & What Do They Want From Me?
Breakout Speaker: Jeremy Carroll
Room: Fellowship Hall
Preteens are some of the most “feared” kids in our ministries. Likely, this is because of their life stage and development. Let’s take a deep dive into who preteens are and how best to minister to them.
Setting Yourself Up for Healthy Digital Habits // Four Gifts Wise Parents Can Give Their Kids
Breakout Speaker: Jeff Mingee
Room: 203
Technology is a gift from God who is accomplishing his purposes through every tech advancement. In this session we will consider four gifts wise parents can give their kids (or we can give ourselves) as we navigate a digital world.
Start with Boys to Raise Godly Men
Breakout Speaker: Mike Young
Room: 207 B&D
There’s only one way to raise godly men and that’s to start with little boys. Little boys are different from little girls. (AMEN!) Let’s begin to see this as a great opportunity for the church to raise up men rather than a great obstacle to orderly classroom. We’ll talk about teaching strategies and management practices to help your young boys learn according to their ‘bent’ and help you delight in teaching them about the great adventure of life with Jesus!
Sundays and Beyond: The What and How to Address Special Needs in Your Church and Community
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room: 207 B&D
In this session we will talk about starting a special needs ministry. Topics will include using your space, recruiting volunteers, curriculum, engaging parents and determining the best approach for your church.
Why Can’t We Ask These Questions in Church?
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 201
Preteens have questions…and some of them are doozies. Rather than dismiss tough topics, discover how to help kids process and look to the Bible to dig into questions about God and faith. Together we will learn how to be bold with your preteens by exploring four values that will transform the way you do ministry. Rooted in developmental research, these values reach preteen’s specific needs. You’ll learn how to practically apply these values in ministry.
Vacation Bible School Breakouts
Group’s Scuba VBS Sneak Preview
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 201
Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
En Español: Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones (parte 1)
Breakout Speaker: Ericka Zelaya, Ruth Altamirano, Cony Velazquez
Room: 209
En esta sección estudiaremos juntos como potencializar los recursos para elaborar una VBS efectiva en tu iglesia o ministerio.
En Español: Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones (parte 2)
Breakout Speaker: Ericka Zelaya, Ruth Altamirano, Cony Velazquez
Room: 209
En esta sección estudiaremos juntos como potencializar los recursos para elaborar una VBS efectiva en tu iglesia o ministerio.
Large Group Engagement and Worship
Breakout Speaker: Kristin Patrick
Room: Worship Center
VBS brings excitement to our children and families as we encourage them to follow Jesus. As you plan for Worship Rally and events that gather families together, come learn ways to engage them and to realize that “God’s Rock-Solid Truth Stands”!
VBS Children’s Bible Study
Breakout Speaker: Niky Brooks
Room: 204
A preview of days one through five Bible study rotation for Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach for students in grades 1-6, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum.
VBS Crafts
Breakout Speaker: Holly Middaugh
Room: Building C
A preview of the crafts rotation of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with connection point to assist craft leaders in reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Decorating
Breakout Speaker: Crystal Stratton
Room: Worship Center
A preview of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach decorating tips and ideas to transform your rooms or space to help engage students as they hear God’s Word and help remember the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Directors
Breakout Speaker: Luke Long
Room: 203
Whether you are a first-time director or have served as one many times, find planning helps and resources of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, including helpful tips for planning and organizing the VBS of your choice.
VBS Missions
Breakout Speaker: Kelly Little
Room: 206
A preview of the missions’ rotation of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with helpful tips on teaching kids to pray for missionaries and participate in hands-on mission projects.
VBS Music
Breakout Speaker: Bethany Baldwin
Room: Worship Center
A preview of the music and motions of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with tips on reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Preschool Bible Study
Breakout Speaker: Ashley Long
Room: 205
A detailed look at preschool material for Lifeway’s Twists and Turns, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum to make your preschoolers’ experience engaging.
VBS Recreation
Breakout Speaker: Noah Patrick
Room: Student Center
A preview of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach recreation rotation, explaining games, transitional activities, and more.
Rocky Mount Breakouts • March 9, 2024
Children's Ministry Breakouts
A Kid’s Faith Journey
Breakout Speaker: Jayne Hoare
Room: 903
How do we guide kids in their faith journey? Come and learn about clear gospel presentations to partner with parents through a baptism class.
Ask Away: Frequently Asked Questions about Special Needs Ministry!
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room: 910
In this session we will work to answer your questions about special needs ministry topics including space, volunteers, salvation, planning and many more.
Babysitter or Preschool Disciple-Maker?
Breakout Speaker: Landry Holmes
Room: 905
It doesn’t matter what we CALL how we approach caring for and teaching babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners at church. What matters is what we DO and what are our attitudes and actions related to caring for and teaching preschoolers at church. God can use us to build foundations for discipleship in the lives of preschoolers.
Beyond Curriculum: Intentional Groups for Kids
Breakout Speaker: Jayne Hoare
Room: 903
Let’s focus on ways to be a mission-minded ministry and let mission and not curriculum guide the discipleship of kids.
Bible Memory that Goes from the Head to the Heart
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 913
Help kids hide God’s Word in their hearts – for more than a few minutes. Discover how repetition, movement and visual connections can help kids remember Bible verses and understand why those ancient words matter in everyday life.
Casting a Vision for Children’s Ministry to the Whole Church
Breakout Speaker: Michael Kilbride
Room: 916
Children’s Ministry is far more than babysitting. You know that and your workers know that, but maybe not everyone in the church sees it that way. Leaders will learn how to spread the vision of the discipleship of children so that the entire church body is on your side.
Does Camp Ministry Still Matter?
Breakout Speaker: Landon Tucker
Room: Music Room
One week of the year can make a world of difference in the other 51 weeks for our kids. Camp ministry still is proving to be a way in which kids can experience fun, excitement, and the love of Jesus that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Learn how to get involved.
En Español: Construyendo la Iglesia Infantil
Breakout Speaker: Julio & Tatiana Velandia
Room: 707
En Español: Discipulado y altar Familiar
Breakout Speaker: Julio & Tatiana Velandia
Room: 707
En Español: Fundamentos del Liderazgo en el Ministerio Infantil
Breakout Speaker: Julio & Tatiana Velandia
Room: 707
Establishing a Foundation of Worship for the Next Generation
Breakout Speaker: Paul French
Room: 909
Worship and obedience are foundational in building our relationship and walk with the Lord. Tragically, many young adults are leaving the church, but what if they were taught what it means to worship the Lord in spirit and truth at a very young age? What if worship was no longer what they see on a stage, but became a way of life as they grasp the biblical perspective that we are ALL made to worship? Let’s dive into what the Scriptures say about worship and learn fun ways to engage and teach students from one generation to another.
Equipping Parents for Discipleship
Breakout Speaker: Jeremy Rader
Room: 912
Parenting is designed for discipleship, both for the child and the parent. Having a strategy to equip your parents is one of most important purposes for any next generation ministry. In this breakout we will discuss practical and foundational strategies to help parents answer God’s call of being disciple-makers in and through their home.
Final Authority Evangelism
Breakout Speaker: Ray Seto
Room: 909
Why do we need to evangelize children, especially our children in the local church?
How Preschoolers Approach Learning God’s Truth
Breakout Speaker: Landry Holmes
Room: 905
Teaching preschoolers God’s truth is fun and involves the whole child. Knowing and putting into practice how preschoolers process information can make the difference between effective Bible teaching and simply filling up the time with un-related activities.
Involving Teens in Kids Ministry
Breakout Speaker: Kristen Patrick
Room: 906
Through VBS, teens not only have the opportunity to lead in their own peer groups but also have the chance to be a mentor to the younger generation. Let’s talk about how we can build a community of teens to have a heart for discipleship.
KidMin Guide to Theme Nights
Breakout Speaker: Niky Brooks
Room: 906
Kids love a fun theme night! Leave this breakout with a blueprint on how to plan an escape room and a list of theme nights with Biblical application and activities that will excite kids to come to evening or midweek classes.
Kids Ministry Safe and Secure
Breakout Speaker: Jeff Lail
Room: 912
Outline the measures to be taken to reduce risks and to provide a secure environment for children as well as all Church members and visitors.
Leading Children to a Love of Prayer
Breakout Speaker: Tawana Lynch
Room: 916
Prayer is our personal love letter to the Father. It’s a compass that navigates our individual relationship with God. Like any journey, we must rely on essential resources for direction and sustainability. Join me, as I equip you with all the gear you need to lead your children to a love of prayer. Let’s pray!
Leading the Next Generation Through a Sinful World
Breakout Speaker: Landon Tucker
Room: Music Room
Kids are experiencing hurt, trauma, and brokenness from a young age. The enemy has a clear assignment against the next generation, but God is not intimidated. Let’s discover how God has equipped us to hold kids’ hands during this crucial time in their lives.
Let’s Talk Ministry Space: Unwrapping the Staffing and Training for Your Special Needs Community
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room: 910
In this session we will discuss training volunteers for special needs ministry, we will talk about specific behaviors and share practical ideas to help your team handle these behaviors (meltdowns, transitions, reactive behaviors, etc.).
New to Children’s Ministry? How to Make a Splash Without Sinking
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 913
Welcome to the wonderful world of ministry. You’ve moved from getting your feet wet in ministry to jumping in wholeheartedly. Cannonball! Come discover a strategic plan to anchor you and your ministry team in success. You’ll take away practical tips from children’s ministry leaders helping you manage your ministry, balance your life and helping you navigate the waters on the horizon.
Setting Yourself Up for Healthy Digital Habits // Four Gifts Wise Parents Can Give Their Kids
Breakout Speaker: Jeff Mingee
Room: 909
Technology is a gift from God who is accomplishing his purposes through every tech advancement. In this session we will consider four gifts wise parents can give their kids (or we can give ourselves) as we navigate a digital world.
Sundays and Beyond: The What and How to Address Special Needs in Your Church and Community
Breakout Speaker: Jill Funk & Toy Hine
Room: 910
In this session we will talk about starting a special needs ministry. Topics will include using your space, recruiting volunteers, curriculum, engaging parents and determining the best approach for your church.
The 3 Bs of Child Discipleship
Breakout Speaker: Wendy Shields
Room: 903
How do we help the children of today become the church of 2050 and not walk away from the church?
Up-Aging and Implications for Preschool and Kids Ministry
Breakout Speaker: Landry Holmes
Room: 905
Is it just our imagination or do today’s preschoolers and kids seem to be developing at a faster rate than previous generations? Up-aging is the recent phenomenon of kids growing up sooner and more quickly than their predecessors. Let’s take a look at how up-aging impacts our ministries.
Why Can’t We Ask These Questions in Church?
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 913
Preteens have questions…and some of them are doozies. Rather than dismiss tough topics, discover how to help kids process and look to the Bible to dig into questions about God and faith. Together we will learn how to be bold with your preteens by exploring four values that will transform the way you do ministry. Rooted in developmental research, these values reach preteen’s specific needs. You’ll learn how to practically apply these values in ministry.
Vacation Bible School Breakouts
Group’s Scuba VBS Sneak Preview
Breakout Speaker: Sharon Stratmoen
Room: 913
Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
En Español: Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones
Breakout Speaker: Natalia Alvarado
Room: 707
En esta sección estudiaremos juntos como potencializar los recursos para elaborar una VBS efectiva en tu iglesia o ministerio.
Large Group Engagement and Worship
Breakout Speaker: Kristin Patrick
Room: Impact Student Center
VBS brings excitement to our children and families as we encourage them to follow Jesus. As you plan for Worship Rally and events that gather families together, come learn ways to engage them and to realize that “God’s Rock-Solid Truth Stands”!
VBS Children’s Bible Study
Breakout Speaker: Niky Brooks
Room: 906
A preview of days one through five Bible study rotation for Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach for students in grades 1-6, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum.
VBS Crafts
Breakout Speaker: Holly Middaugh
Room: Legacy Room
A preview of the crafts rotation of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with connection point to assist craft leaders in reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Decorating
Breakout Speaker: Crystal Stratton
Room: 906
A preview of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach decorating tips and ideas to transform your rooms or space to help engage students as they hear God’s Word and help remember the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Directors
Breakout Speaker: Luke Long
Room: 908
Whether you are a first-time director or have served as one many times, find planning helps and resources of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, including helpful tips for planning and organizing the VBS of your choice.
VBS Missions
Breakout Speaker: Kelly Little
Room: 908
A preview of the missions’ rotation of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with helpful tips on teaching kids to pray for missionaries and participate in hands-on mission projects.
VBS Music
Breakout Speaker: Bethany Baldwin
Room: Impact Student Center
A preview of the music and motions of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach, with tips on reinforcing the day’s Bible truth.
VBS Preschool Bible Study
Breakout Speaker: Ashley Long
Room: 914
A detailed look at preschool material for Lifeway’s Twists and Turns, including teaching helps for use with any curriculum to make your preschoolers’ experience engaging.
VBS Recreation
Breakout Speaker: Noah Patrick
Room: 904
A preview of Lifeway’s Breaker Rock Beach recreation rotation, explaining games, transitional activities, and more.
Meet the team.
Cindy Middaugh
Children’s Ministry Strategist
Rachel Clark
Ministry Resources Event Coordinator